Home>>Simulation>>Magic Tiles 3

Magic Tiles 3

Magic Tiles 3




Amanotes Pte. Ltd.




Feb 27, 2023/Mar 12, 2023


87M/301.7 MB




Magic Tiles 3 is a unique game where you can have magic using tiles. You can have fun when creating some precious memories. The rhythms and songs will take you to a different level where you can explore new aspects of music and magic. The game will take you to a musical world with endless playing options. You can play any of your favorite songs and add tile magic to make it inspiring. The game will make you more creative and innovative. Magic Tiles 3 will have a few rules. When playing this game, you can simply hold, tap, and swipe those tiles and create a musical setting. There will be an endless mode that can speed up your progress at each level. But you can avoid white tiles.

Magic Tiles 3 has inspiring but easy-to-follow gameplay. Before exploring this game, understand the gameplay. Know the rules and how to move faster. The game will allow you to do three things. You can tap, swipe, and hold tiles to achieve whatever you want. Also, there will be different types of songs, including modern, appealing, and diverse music genres. Find the one that can satisfy your taste and inspire you to explore more. There are more than 45,000 songs you can play and conquer. Besides, you can explore its battle mode and connect with all the players online. You will have more fun while playing with global players. You can also play with your friends and have game fun. When playing, tap according to the beat, and make points. Also, you can make the highest score and challenge yourself to perform better. There will be complex songs that you can unlock and challenge your skills.

As mentioned earlier, Magic Tiles 3 is all about having magical fun. You can play with tiles and continue with more success. However, you can start slow and understand the setting and features. Once you start playing, maintain the slowest possible pace and focus on easy songs. You can choose slow songs and understand the mechanics. Be familiar with the mechanics, and then you can consider exploring complex ones. This step will hone your skills, and you can perform better.

In addition, use two to three fingers instead of playing with one. You will have fewer options if you use only one finger. Therefore, you can use two or three fingers to hit all the bars and notes. It will help you have consecutive hits and get higher scores. You will take time to achieve perfection. Also, you will need practice to get the momentum. Observe and improve consistently to get more points. Know how the game works and plan your strategies accordingly.

You can get the momentum with practice. You can hit the bars at the right time. First, listen to the song, and then you can start playing. You can have an idea if you listen to the music and get the momentum to hit accurately.

When playing Magic Tiles 3, you can unlock diamonds. Diamond is the premium currency and can enable you to unlock many things for your benefit. You can buy diamonds with real money. However, you can get some free diamonds when playing. Hence, focus on having them for free and unlock all those features that can support your progress.

Also, you can complete more quests and have more diamonds. Try to get diamonds in every possible way and make more from your efforts with all the desired assistance. However, here are a few steps to improve your performance.

Step 1: Slow start

You can start slow and understand the mechanics and how the game works. Focus on slow ones and hone your skills. Once you are confident, explore more challenging songs.

Step 2: Replenish life

You might lose your lives while playing Magic Tiles 3. You will have 15 lives, but you can lose them with poor performance. However, replenish them once you start   performing well.

Step 3: Unlock new songs

You can unlock new songs and hone your skills with consistency. You can practice and complete missions and quests. You can get diamonds and other rewards that you can use to unlock new songs.

Magic Tiles 3 comes as an exciting blend of magic and music. You will have a different experience when playing this rhythm game. Practice, get momentum, and perform well. Share your winning strategies!
