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Mech Arena

Mech Arena




Plarium Global Ltd




Sep 19, 2023/Sep 5, 2023


178.26 MB/239.2 MB




Greetings, fellow pilots and mech enthusiasts! If you've embarked on a journey to dominate the battlefield in Mech Arena, you're in for a thrilling ride. In this player-focused guide, I'll share my personal insights and strategies to help you excel in the arena, customize your mechs, and secure victory in this action-packed mobile game.

Familiarize yourself with the game's controls and mechanics. Understand how to move, aim, and fire your mech's weapons efficiently.

Start with the tutorial to grasp the fundamental gameplay elements.

Each mech has unique abilities, weapons, and playstyles. Experiment with different mechs to find the one that suits your preferences and strategies.

Consider your role on the team when selecting a mech. Some are better suited for tanking, while others excel at long-range support.

Mech Arena is a team-based game. Communication and coordination with your teammates are essential for success. Use voice chat or quick commands to strategize during matches.

Upgrade and customize your mechs to gain a competitive edge. Focus on improving key attributes like damage, armor, and speed.

Experiment with different weapon loadouts to find the optimal combination for your playstyle. Balance firepower, range, and versatility.

Pilots have unique skills that can greatly influence your mech's performance. Level up and unlock pilot skills that complement your chosen mech and strategy.

Learn the maps and their key features. Understanding the terrain and choke points can give you a tactical advantage.

Use cover effectively to protect your mech and take strategic positions.

Smart positioning is crucial. Avoid exposing yourself to multiple enemies simultaneously, and always be on the move to make yourself a challenging target.

Utilize your mech's mobility to flank opponents and surprise them from unexpected angles.

Coordinate with your team to focus fire on high-priority targets. Taking down enemy mechs together is often more effective than engaging individually.

Be aware of your teammates' positions and offer support when needed.

Daily and weekly missions offer rewards like credits, pilot XP, and crates. Make completing these a part of your routine to steadily improve your mechs and pilots.

Crates contain valuable items, including new mechs, weapons, and pilot cards. Save your keys and open crates strategically, focusing on what your lineup needs most.

Credits and coins are essential for upgrading mechs and pilots. Spend them wisely and prioritize your most-used mechs.

Be cautious with premium currency (e.g., diamonds) and in-app purchases. Use them sparingly on items that significantly enhance your gameplay.

Continuous improvement is key. Practice with different mechs, weapons, and tactics to adapt to various situations and opponents.

Learn from your losses and use them as opportunities to refine your skills.

Mech Arena is about having fun. Don't get discouraged by losses or overly competitive play. Enjoy the thrilling battles and camaraderie with your fellow pilots.

In Mech Arena, the battlefield is your canvas, and your mech is your brush. The strategies and tips outlined in this guide should serve as a solid foundation for your journey to dominance in the arena. As you hone your skills, customize your mechs, and collaborate with your teammates, you'll find Mech Arena to be an exhilarating and rewarding experience. So, gear up, pilot, and let the mech mayhem begin! Best of luck, and may your mechs always emerge victorious on the battlefield.
