Home>>Casual>>MONOPOLY GO!






Scopely, Inc.




Apr 19, 2023/Apr 20, 2023


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Want to experience that classic board game named Monopoly? Then, it is time for you to get ready to roll that dice and enjoy the excitement of this board game with MONOPOLY GO. It is a fast-paced mobile game based on the traditional monopoly game but a much simplified version. Filled with excitement and fun, you will surely love this game thoroughly. It doesn’t matter if you are new at this game or an experienced one, this review will help you to know more about this game and what to expect from it. Read on to know all the details.

Before you start to play, you have to understand the game thoroughly. This game retains all the essential mechanisms of the original gameplay but the total game time has been reduced to 30 minutes only. Thus, it has become faster and you can enjoy the game. In order to play this game, all the players have to select a token individually and place it on the "Go" space.

One by one, every player takes their turn to roll the dice. Based on what you get, you can move the token. Whenever a player lands on a property than is not yet owned. They will get an option if they want to buy it paying the price listed. If you buy the property, it is yours and if you don’t, then the property will go up for auction. Other players can bid on that.

On the other hand, if you land on a property that is owned by another player, then you will have to pay rent to the owner of that property. The amount of the rent will be determined based on the value of the property. Once you start to play the game, you will get to understand it in a better way.

Do you love to play the game of monopoly? Then, you will surely love to play this game as it comes with some really interesting and exciting features. Some of the best features of MONOPOLY GO are:

* Experience classic gameplay with modern twist

* Buy and build your own path to the top

* Play with your family and friends

* Get new opportunities daily

* Attack and steal to win

* Amazing rewards and prizes

You can enjoy playing this game with all these great benefits at free to cost. It is a free to play game which means you don’t have to purchase the game to play it.

Now that you know all about the features and gameplay, you must try out this game once. Before you start to play, there are some tips and tricks that you must know about MONOPOLY GO. These are:

Mange your money

You have to manage your money properly. The entire game is about how you can manage your money in the best way possible. Hence, you have to have a great strategy based on which you can manage the money.

Invest in properties

No one has ever won a game of monopoly without investing their money on properties. So, you have to invest in property so that you can earn money too. But make sure to be sure about the investment.

Build hotels and houses

Investing in a property is not enough. You have to build houses and hotels too on the property in order to get money through rent. As you start to build houses and hotels on your property, the value of the property will increase which will help you to earn more rent.

Use the power-ups

In this game, you will get a slight twist that is different from that of the traditional games. You can use power-ups. These power-ups can help you to get through the game more efficiently. So, make sure to use them.

To sum up, MONOPOLY GO is a quite fun and engaging game. Here all the players are playing against each other. So, you need to keep an eye on your opponents as well. Make sure to have more money than others to win the game. So, what are you waiting for? Start to play this game today and you will love it thoroughly!
