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Puzzles & Survival

Puzzles & Survival








Feb 23, 2023/Feb 27, 2023


202.38 MB/1.1 GB




Puzzles & Survival is a role-playing game developed by 37Games. Since Puzzles Survival is a role-playing game, many think they can perform well without any strategy. However, this game is different and can make your journey challenging. Hence, adequate preparation can give you an edge. When playing, your focus must be on a survival base. You will encounter struggles and battles throughout the game and can protect yourself with a well-equipped base. However, it has a unique storyline and exciting gameplay. You would love everything about this game. The game will present a situation where a deadly virus has invaded humanity. The virus is different and makes humans zombies. You have to survive and protect yourself from the virus.

Puzzles & Survival is a puzzle game where you need to survive by matching three puzzles. You can unveil its exciting mechanics while playing. You will have to match three puzzles and clash zombies. Besides, you will need a sanctuary that you will build to protect yourself from zombies. You will save yourself and all those not infected. Once you start playing, you will be in campaign mode. You can move further by solving puzzles. You can develop a base and make it more equipped to prevent those zombies from entering your space. You can imagine a situation where you must survive and protect others from the deadly virus. You can perform well if you come up with proven strategies. Go through the following, understand the game, and plan better strategies.

Puzzles Survival will engage you in many activities once you start playing. You can focus on three groups of activities to make fast improvements. First, construct a strong base and protect it. You can upgrade your facilities and explore more features to get better support. You can train your team and units and improve your performance.

Next, you can explore the campaign mode and start progressing. This mode will enable you to fight against those zombies in a turn-based manner. You can develop your strategies and protect yourself. Besides, you can complete the chapter mission and earn rewards and experience points, including resources. All these will help you in your progression.

In addition, you will have to be multitasking. You can make your facilities busy with different things. Also, each facility will produce some resource essentials you can use for your base. You will have a steel plant, food, gas field, and lumbar mill. You can choose any to keep you protected and your facilities equipped.

Focus on upgrading heroes if you want better protection. All the heroes will have specific abilities. You can upgrade them to make them more powerful and beneficial for your game. You can level up heroes at the level cap to upgrade them.

Also, you can join battles only with adequate preparation. Prepare your base, equip it, improve the ability of your heroes, and then you can consider fighting. Observe zombies and their moves and plan accordingly. You will have to play intelligently to avoid any risks. Here are a few steps to support your game.

Focus on matching

Puzzles Survival is a match-three puzzle game where you can achieve more by matching puzzles. You can build your base, strengthen it, get more rewards, and train your heroes by matching puzzles. Also, you can match four or more gems and unlock specific boosters, including grenades and dynamite. All these will make you more powerful, and you can beat your enemies.

Join a guild

While playing Puzzles & Survival, you can join clans, factions, alliances, and guilds. Join a guild to survive in the game. Also, you can join any of them, unlock new features, and get extra rewards. However, you must reach certain levels to join an alliance. But you can join a guild once you start playing. There will not be any specific requirement for this step. Find the right guild for more benefits.

Complete quests

You can complete quests and get more rewards. Once you have a base, you will require many things to equip and level up your facilities. You can complete all the possible quests and get inspiring rewards, including your resources. The game rewards will make your base more powerful, and you can also train your heroes.

Puzzles & Survival is a different survival puzzle game where you can explore beyond solving puzzles. Be innovative and plan a strategy based on the condition. Share your experience with beginners.
