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Slay the Spire

Slay the Spire




Humble Bundle




Apr 5, 2021/Sep 21, 2021


25.17 MB/1 GB




A unique blend of roguelikes and card games, Slay the Spire is designed to test your technical decision-making and strategy-building capacity. Beginners often find this top-grossing game daunting. However, once you are used to it, you will find yourself wanting it more. So, for improved gameplay and faster advancement, here are some must-known beginners tips and tricks:

1. Finding your comfort character

Other than the right to brag in front of your friends, there is no other benefit of playing with all the characters regularly. Slay the Spire does not offer any rewards for this. Once you have reached the heart with all the 3 main characters, you are free to enjoy the exciting gameplay using a single character over and over again. Besides the benefit of comfort or familiarity, there are many other benefits of sticking to a particular character every time. With the first 3 classes, if you have managed to reach the heart, consider choosing the Watcher as your go-to character from now on. If you can level up your comfort character quickly, you will enjoy an optimal gaming experience.

2. Understanding the final boss

Most beginners, enjoying this card battler game, have no idea how different and difficult the final boss is compared to the other bosses that you have to defeat to reach the final boss. Most Slay the Spire players do not know the importance of getting familiar with the corrupt heart of Spire. Take your time to know everything about it. You will be able to strategize your gameplay better if you consider this. It will help you to understand which cards you need to prioritize and which ones to stay clear of. Your gaming experience during a particular fight will improve as well.

3. Reach the heart with each character once

With Silent, Defect, and Ironclad reach the heart of the Spire first to effectively beat this causal card mobile game. So, until this occurs, you should only concern yourself with one character to level up until the character reaches the Spire’s heart. You have to then move on to the next, once you have arrived at the heart. There is no need to do this over and over again, one time with each character will be sufficient. Most beginners find the Ironclad difficult. So, if you are having issues, consider unlocking the best cards for the class to reach the heart more easily.

4. Experimenting with the different paths

You indeed have to consider studying the map to ensure you can plan ahead in this game. However, if you are a beginner, take into consideration experimenting with the different paths available in this mobile card game. Go ahead and try out different combinations of rooms that you haven’t tried out yet. If you do not try out all the paths, how will you know which one suits your preference and game style the most? It will also teach you how to take advantage of opportunities for an improved and effective gaming experience.

5. Keeping your deck small

The stunning graphics and engaging gameplay of Slay the Spire end up distracting most beginners. Adding all the new exciting cards to your deck is may seem fun if you are a beginner, however, this will come back to haunt you. Expert players ensure their deck is small to avoid the hassle of wondering where is that particular card they require. The chances of drawing your important cards will drop if you keep on adding more cards to your deck.

Here it should be mentioned, keeping the deck small does not imply that you stick to the base deck only. You should focus on picking the types of powerful cards that can help you to defeat the final boss at the end of the current act. You can cull away useless cards with the help of the removal options of Events and Shops.

6. When to consider defending

Eventually, you will fall if you keep procuring damage. Each character has a unique way to mitigate their death in this game. Of course, you have to defend yourself; however, defending always is not an ideal strategy when playing Slay the Spire. Rather than defending yourself from an enemy, consider killing it for much smoother gameplay. Managing the health total per round is not necessary as only the health total after an encounter is considered by the game.

Mentioned above are some effective, must-know Slay the Spire hints, tips, and tricks for all beginners. So, consider them if you are struggling with this action-packed card mobile game for an instant improvement in your gameplay.
