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Mob Control

Mob Control








Mar 20, 2023/Mar 20, 2023


136.31 MB/282.3 MB




Arcade games are a part of our history. Before mobile games become a worldwide favorite, arcade games were what gamers used to escape to a virtual reality full of possibilities and a good time guaranteed. If you update your device with all the latest arcade-style games, you must have found Mob Control already. The unique gameplay and on-purpose frustrating gaming experience of this top-grossing arcade mobile game have managed to gain a massive following.

Once beginners get the hang of the gameplay and gaming controls, unlimited fun yet relaxing time is ahead of them. Hence, some proven tips and tricks that every Mob Control player should be familiar with are discussed next for quick improvement. So, read on to check them out!

* Consider more than a single lane

To have somewhat control over the gameplay, most beginners tend to stick to one specific lane throughout the playthrough. But the game is designed in a way that ensures the players are attacked from many different directions and not just from a specific section or lane. The typical strategy to unleash all of their forces down one lane and hope for the best by most beginners is not a good idea/move in this specific mobile arcade game.

Your strategy should involve understanding the environment and splitting your force accordingly to save yourself from attacks coming from multiple directions. You should pay attention to the corners and send some of your force in one way and the others in the other way. This move will ensure you last in this game longer and get to fulfill the game objectives effectively.

* Consider moving with the gates

On some levels, you will come across a gate that will be moving in front of your cannon. To get the most out of the multiplication, aim to move the cannon at the same speed as the gate. Practice having control over the speed to execute this move successfully.

Here it should be mentioned, this trick will not always work for you, especially when the gate in question comes with a much higher multiplication number that you can hit effortlessly. For any other case, consider this trick for a level with a gate.

* Consider the giants to advance quicker

Another mistake that most beginners end up making in Mob Control is unleashing the giants as soon as possible. However, for effective gameplay, strategize using your giants. You have to assert the situation you are in to understand when to deploy the giants. For example, there will be no need to send your giants, when you need just a couple of hits to bring down the enemy base and win the game. You can save the giants and use them in the next level when having an issue. For the maximum benefit, try to send giants accordingly to ensure they multiply the most as they move forward and stomp everything in their path.

* Consider calculating every step of the way

The simple graphics and premises of the game can make beginners feel that the game is easy to crack. However, the makers have designed Mob Control to test players’ strategy-building and decision-making skills. From time to time, you have to rely on simple mathematics to win big or play effectively in this stylized arcade game.

By using simple math, you can determine what will be the best shot that you can take in the game. For example, if you can get x2 followed by x3, you can acquire more units than x4 on its own. So, instead of aiming for the x4, consider using two or more advantages to expand your force massively and quickly.

* Consider upgrading strategically

The game provides different upgrades, and you have to consider them if you want to improve your gameplay and gaming experience. Out of everything available, concentrate on the rewards and fire rate first. Most beginners consider upgrading giants first as they think it will help their gameplay. However, giants are already strong and do not require upgradation early on in the game. On the other, when you can get higher rewards, you have to spend less of your stacks. Hence, consider increasing your firepower as well as earning as quickly as possible.

Hopefully, now you know how to play Mob Control effectively and have a satisfactory win. These hacks can improve your gameplay and give you the right push to win big. However, if you are not a master of the game controls, none of these tips will work effectively for you. Hence, before trying them out, do take time to learn the game mechanics well to win in this tricky yet hyper-casual mobile game.
