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Survival Game Master

Survival Game Master








Sep 29, 2022


98.57 MB




Survival Game Master is a heroic action game and in this world who would not like to be represented as a hero because of this psychological reason the game " Survival Game Master " has made a very popular place in people's minds and hearts. This place is special in the child and youth population.

There are over millions of people who play this game now and then because of the dopamine kick this game gives to them. The game is filled with a lot of action and features which are very unique from other action games. It's not only these that people are enjoying playing but from the very beginning of its launch, an unprecedented amount of people were and are fans of Survival Game Master.

So, if you are someone who is thinking of trying this game then definitely you should try it once but before going to do that you must read on and know some of the important strategies to win in this game as these will help you a lot and save your time further. Therefore, let's move on further to know them as follows:

1. More participants

The first thing that you must do is collect as many homeless people as you can in this game. These people are not just people but can act as your golden card in the game. Wondering how? These homeless people can become your trainees whom you can train as fighters and then let them participate in the game along with you. So wherever you go on your next expedition you'll not feel alone as these fighters will help you in fighting and saving the other refugees.

2. Always take the tip

Money is not everything you need in the game but it's something very very important that could and should not be left out. How? Whenever you will save the rich survivors you'll get some money from them in return for your service. At that time you should not leave that moment or deny them from accepting the money. Take it and save it in your pocket. Further, another thing that you can do is ask for more money from rich trader survivors if you have saved them from rigorous dangers.

3. Timely skill upgradation

This is an important yet mostly ignored aspect of this game as many people forget to upgrade their skills in the game in the long run and enjoy running adventures. Therefore it's an alert for you that after a specific level in the game, you must go for upgrading your skills so that you don't have to regret it later. This is because as you will proceed further the levels will go on getting tougher and tougher without giving you much time to understand the need for the hours at that time you'll need to go back to upgrade which will take a lot of your time and energy.

4. Don't get fooled with in-app purchases

Reading the headline you must be in dilemma how this could be possible when in-app purchases are known to be very useful. So, yes, in-app purchases are useful and relevant but getting in them from the very beginning of the game is not at all good action. This will not benefit you much and make you feel bad about your list money later in this game when you will realize that you could have spent it better in these levels. So, use your money wisely.

5. Use different dresses

Yes, a uniform is not just a dress here, it's more than that. This you'll realize when you will play the game in real life but when you do not then you must know that every dress has certain weapons and no e along with it. So whenever you donn a different dress you also own different yet special powers with you. You can also buy different other dresses with the help of your virtual money in the game.

So, this is all that you need to know about the important strategies of " Survival Game Master". If you can master these points there will not be many things that can stop you from passing the levels easily.
