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Rise of Kingdoms

Rise of Kingdoms




LilithGame Co., Ltd




Sep 27, 2023/Oct 7, 2023


909.12 MB/1.4 GB



As a dedicated Rise of Kingdoms player, you've already conquered many challenges, expanded your kingdom, and built a formidable army. However, to truly dominate in this complex and dynamic game, you need to delve into advanced strategies that can set you apart from the competition. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore advanced tactics, tips, and tricks to help you become a top-tier player in Rise of Kingdoms.

Maximizing resource management:

Managing your resources efficiently is crucial to progress in Rise of Kingdoms. Here are some advanced tips to optimize your resource production and utilization:

Resource tiles: Continuously scout and conquer resource tiles on the map. Focus on high-level tiles as they provide more resources.

Resource gathering Commanders: Use commanders with resource gathering skills, like Joan of Arc and Cleopatra, to increase the gathering speed and load capacity of your troops.

Alliance help: Request alliance help regularly to reduce building and research times, conserving resources.

VIP benefits: Invest in VIP levels to enjoy resource production bonuses, including faster resource generation and increased capacity.

Developing an effective alliance:

An alliance is your lifeline in Rise of Kingdoms. To maximize its benefits, consider the following:

Teamwork: Coordinate with alliance members for various tasks, such as rallying barbarians, defending against attacks, and planning kingdom-wide strategies.

Territory: Your alliance's territory provides valuable buffs. Conquer and hold strategic locations to boost resource production, troop training, and technology research.

Gifts: Send and receive gifts daily to earn alliance credits and strengthen your alliance technology.

Leadership: Active leadership is vital. Leaders should communicate effectively, set goals, and delegate responsibilities to alliance members.

Efficient troop management:

Your army's composition and deployment can make or break your success. Here are some advanced tips:

Mixed troop types: Create armies with a mix of troop types to counter a wider range of enemy units. Pair commanders with complementary skills.

Garrison commanders: Assign strong garrison commanders to protect your city from potential attackers. Focus on commanders with defensive skills.

Rally leading: When leading rallies, choose commanders with expertise in that area and ensure participants have the correct troop types and tech.

City defense: Customize your city's wall layout to maximize its defensive capabilities. Consider upgrading watchtowers and traps for added protection.

Efficient technology research:

The technology tree is essential for your kingdom's growth. Advanced technology research can give you a significant edge:

Focused research: Prioritize research that benefits your playstyle. If you're a defender, invest in defense tech, while attackers should boost offense.

Alliance technology: Collaborate with your alliance to unlock alliance technology buffs that benefit all members.

Speed-ups: Use speed-ups strategically during kill event or KvK (Kingdom vs. Kingdom) events to gain temporary advantages.

Kingdom vs. kingdom (KvK) strategies:

KvK is the ultimate test of a kingdom's strength. Here are some advanced tips for excelling in this high-stakes competition:

Alliance unity: Forge strong alliances with other kingdoms to create a united front against common enemies.

Territory control: Secure strategic locations early to gain buffs and control key pass openings.

Coordinated offense: Coordinate with your alliance for coordinated attacks on enemy targets, cities, and objectives.

Scouting and reconnaissance: Gather intelligence on enemy alliances, cities, and troop movements to plan your attacks effectively.

Advanced diplomacy:

Diplomacy can be just as powerful as military might. Advanced diplomatic strategies include:

NAPs and alliances: Negotiate Non-Aggression Pacts (NAPs) or alliances with neighboring kingdoms to reduce the risk of conflict.

Coalitions: Form coalitions with multiple kingdoms to tackle larger threats, share territory, and strengthen each other.

Diplomatic messaging: Craft diplomatic messages carefully, be respectful, and offer incentives when negotiating with other kingdoms.

Events and special items:

Participating in events and using special items wisely can give you an edge:

Events: Plan your gaming schedule around in-game events to maximize rewards and bonuses.

Special items: Save and use special items like Teleports and Peace Shields strategically to avoid unnecessary risks.

VIP status: Maintain VIP status to enjoy benefits like free teleports, construction speed-ups, and more.

Continuous learning:

Stay updated on game mechanics, changes, and new commander releases by joining community forums, watching YouTube tutorials, and discussing strategies with experienced players.

In conclusion, Rise of Kingdoms is a dynamic and evolving game that rewards strategic thinking, effective teamwork, and constant adaptation. By mastering these advanced strategies, you'll be well on your way to becoming a top-tier player in the world of Rise of Kingdoms. Good luck, Commander!
