





Lion Studios Plus




March 17, 2023/Mar 20, 2023


87M/242.3 MB




Looking for a way to guess the Wordle of the day in 6 or fewer tries? Check out these tips and tricks to improve your score in this challenging word search mobile game.

1.The importance of starting words

You cannot go far in this game if you do not have a strategy in place from the get-go. Most beginners input their starter word without giving it too much thought. However, you have to understand that there are thousands of potential words. Thus, the chance of guessing the right word on your first guess/try is quite slim. Thus, strategizing your starter word is recommended as this move can help you to advance quickly by keeping every move in your favor. Here are some proven strategies for choosing the starter word for this stylized casual word game:

* The same word every time

It does not work all the time, but this is an effective strategy for all Wordle players. You can go for a trial-and-error method to check which word can offer more benefits as a starter word. For example, you can choose a word like “ADIEU” as it contains multiple vowels to work with. Once you understand the pattern, sticking to the selected single word every time may benefit your gameplay.

* New words every time

Many veteran players swear by using a new word every time as the starter word. If you can get it right, figuring out what the word of the day is can be done in less than 5 tries. Try out words like “TRAIN” as it comes with 2 vowels and can provide some of the most commonly used consonants.

2. Choose your second word

If you have played this mobile word puzzle game before, you know that you are required to input 2 different words for the first two lines. You can use the strategy you preferred from the previous tip for the starter word. For the word for the 2nd line from the top, go for a word that is completely different from the starter word. If the second word is entirely different, your chances to be successful in the game grow massively. This trick can help you as this top-grossing mobile game follows the process of elimination.

3. A letter can be used more than once

Most beginners think this word game does not allow the repetition of a letter if it has already been used. However, this is not true. Hence, if the game tells you there is the letter “T” (for example) in the last space, that does not imply that “T” cannot be used in the other spaces as well. So, do keep this in mind, when picking letters to guess the Wordle of the day quickly and win big.

4. The importance of guessing statistics

The game provides statistics after you have completed a game. You should not take this advantage lightly as the provided information/data can be used for effective Wordle gameplay strategy-building. Some vital information available from the statistics board are:

* Your longest and current streak

* Your total win in the percentage

* The total number of games you took part in

With the intel and also by focusing on your guess distribution, you can come up with an effective strategy to kick off the game on the right foot every time.

5. Avoid "hard mode" at the beginning.

Most beginners become overconfident after guessing a couple of words right and go for the “hard mode” for a little bit of challenge. This is a big mistake that most beginners end up making as it comes with major repercussions. You will find yourself looking at your screen for the longest time with no solution in sight. You will end up backtracking to letters that you have already used.

6.Take your time

One of the best game features of Wordle is that it is not time-based. Hence, do take advantage of this and take your time to effectively make the correct guess within the allotted number of tires. There is no need to rush; take a break from the game if you are stuck for a long time. Sometimes, taking a fresh look after a while allows you to guess more effectively.

Even though there are thousands of 5-letter words in the English dictionary, Wordle can be solved with only one. Thus, educating yourself or developing your vocabulary is highly recommended if you want to get a better score than your friends in this competitive and exciting free mobile word game. So, besides the above-mentioned Wordle tips and tricks, consider expanding your knowledge for improved gameplay, score, and gaming experience.
